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Turn Knowledge into Profit with Bloomfire's Knowledge Management Platform

Your team's knowledge is a gold mine, and with Bloomfire's knowledge management tool, you can maximize it's potential. Our software empowers you to streamline insights, enhance collaboration, and transform wisdom into wins.

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Trusted By Industry Leaders

Trusted By Industry Leaders 2

How Bloomfire Works

The Problem

Disorganized company knowledge results in decreased productivity, unrealized or lost revenue, and poor organizational performance.

What Its Costing You Icon
What It's Costing You

Did you know the average employee spends 19% of their time looking for information? That's 49.4 days per year and $16,640 of lost productivity per employee.

How We Fix It Icon
How We Fix It

Bloomfire ingests your valuable company knowledge, auto-tags and indexes it, and provides it to employees via AI-powered search & discovery

The Result Icon
The Result

With less time spent searching for information, employees become more efficient, productive and profitable.

How We Know Bloomfire Works

Average ROI Of Bloomfire Customers

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Yearly Time Saved By Bloomfire Customers

Time Icon

Fortune 500 Companies That Use Bloomfire

Companies Icon

Features Tailored to Your Company's Needs

AI-Powered Search
AI-Powered Search & Discovery

Identify the most relevant answers and results instantly and recover lost time spent searching through company databases and ineffective filing systems. Deep Index of all your content across multiple file types – and Enterprise Search sources – and make it easy for employees to find the best content.

AI-Powered Authoring Tools
AI-Powered Authoring Tools

Empower authors to build actionable, high-quality content tailored to their target audience with a suite of AI features for creating summaries, key takeaways, and insights. Automatically index and transcribe all published content in real time.

Layouts and Customization
Layouts & Customization

Tailor your knowledge engine to meet your organization’s needs using layouts, smart feeds, and personalized filtering options. Build no-code Promo Bars that guide employees to engage with knowledge in new ways.

Content and Document Management
Content & Document Management

Easily oversee your complete library of knowledge in a single, easy-to-use management page. Maintain a single copy of a document published across multiple communities or access groups, and updates are automatically distributed to all published versions. Curate and sync documents from SharePoint easily using Enterprise Search.

Analytics Suite
Analytics Suite

View key reporting functions in real-time through easy-to-follow visualizations. Create your own reports with visualizations to track the metrics that matter most to you. All data is exportable for use in company dashboards.


Meet your frontline workers where they are and bring knowledge to the tools they use every day, like Slack, MS Teams, Salesforce, Zendesk, and more. Simplify content discovery and content management with Enterprise Search connections, and use our open API to make information accessible from anywhere.
